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88 résultats
Book on medicine ] Kunnash ; by Yaʿqub al- Kashkari
  • Kaškarī, Yaʿqūbi Al-
  • 1985
  • Institute for the history of Arabic- Islamic science ,
  • Livres imprimés
A Presentation to would- be authors on medicine ; al- Tasrif li man ʿajiza ʿan al- talif / ; by Abu i- Qasim al- Zahrawi Khalaf ibn ʿAbbas
  • Zahrāwī, Abū Al- Qāsim H̱alaf B. ʿAbbās Al-
  • 1986
  • Institute for the history of Arabic- Islamic science ,
  • Livres imprimés
Encyclopaedia of Islamic medecine with a Greco- Roman back- ground ; by Hassan Kamal,...
  • Kamāl, Ḥasan
  • 1975
  • General Egyptian Book Organization ,
  • Livres imprimés
Deux traités médicaux ; Sahlān Ibn Kaysān et Rašīd al- Dīn Abū Ḥulayqa ; éd. et trad. par R. P. Paul Sbath,... et Christo D. Avierinos,... ; [publ. par l'] Institut français d'rchéologie orientale du Caire
  • Ibn Kaysān, Sahlān B. `Uṯmān, Abū Ḥulayqa, Rašīd Al- Dīn B. Al- Fāris, Sbath, Paul, Avierinos, Christo D.
  • 1953
  • impr. de l' IFAO) ,
  • Livres imprimés
Medieval islamic medicine ; Ibn Ridwan' s treatise " On the prevention of bodily ills in Egypt " / ; transl., with an introd. by Michael W. Dols ; Arabic text edited by Adil S. Gamal
  • Ibn Riḍwān, ʿAlī B. Riḍwān, Ğamāl, ʿĀdil Sulaymān, Dols, Michael Walters
  • 1984
  • University of California press :
  • Livres imprimés
The Conduct of the physician ] Adab al- tabib ; by al- Ruhawi, Ishaq ibn ʿAli al- Ruhawi
  • Ruḥāwī, Išḥāq Ibn ʿAlī Al-
  • 1985
  • Institute for the history of Arabic- Islamic science ,
  • Livres imprimés
  • Page 2 sur 10