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26 résultats
The Prison in the contemporary Arabic novel ; by Abdel- Qader Sharif Abou Shariefeh
  • Abou Shariefeh, Abdel- Qader Sharif
  • 1985
  • University microfilms international ,
  • Livres imprimés
Modern Arabic literature and the West ; by M. M. Badawi
  • Badawi, Muhammad Mustafa
  • 1985
  • Ithaca press :
  • Livres imprimés
The Ship ; by Jabra I. Jabra ; transl. and introd. by Adnan Haydar and Roger Allen
  • Jabra, Jabra Ibrahim, Haydar, Adnan, Allen, Roger
  • 1985
  • Three continents press ,
  • Livres imprimés
The Tree climber ; a play in two acts / ; Tewfik Al- Hakim ; transl. from the Arabic by Denys Johnson- Davies
  • Ḥakīm, Tawfiq al-, Johnson-Davies, Denys
  • 1985
  • Heinemann educational books ,
  • Livres imprimés
The Indian never had a horse and others poems ; by Etel Adnan ; ill. with etchings by Russell Chatham
  • Adnan, Etel, Chatham, Russel
  • 1985
  • Post- Apollo press ,
  • Livres imprimés
" Season of migration to the North " by Tayeb Salih ; a casebook / ; ed. by Mona Takieddine Amyuni
  • Amyuni, Mona Takieddine
  • 1985
  • American university of Beirut ,
  • Livres imprimés
Hence ; A. K. El Janabi
  • Janabi, Abdulkader el-
  • 1985
  • Hourglass press ,
  • Livres imprimés
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