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43 résultats
Middle East crisis ; U. S. decision- making in 1958, 1970 and 1973 / ; Alan Dowty
  • Dowty, Alan
  • 1984
  • University of California press :
  • Livres imprimés
Medieval islamic medicine ; Ibn Ridwan' s treatise " On the prevention of bodily ills in Egypt " / ; transl., with an introd. by Michael W. Dols ; Arabic text edited by Adil S. Gamal
  • Ibn Riḍwān, ʿAlī B. Riḍwān, Ğamāl, ʿĀdil Sulaymān, Dols, Michael Walters
  • 1984
  • University of California press :
  • Livres imprimés
Writings signs ; the Fatimid public text / ; Irene A. Bierman
  • Bierman, Irene
  • 1998
  • University of California press
  • Livres imprimés
The Call from Algeria ; third worldism, revelation, and the turn to Islam / ; Robert Malley
  • Malley, Robert
  • 1996
  • University of California press
  • Livres imprimés
Peace process ; American diplomacy and the Arab- Israeli conflict since 1967 / ; William B. Quandt
  • Quandt, William B.
  • 2001
  • University of California press
  • Livres imprimés
  • Page 5 sur 5