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8 résultats
Book on medicine ] Kunnash ; by Yaʿqub al- Kashkari
  • Kaškarī, Yaʿqūbi Al-
  • 1985
  • Institute for the history of Arabic- Islamic science ,
  • Livres imprimés
The Conduct of the physician ] Adab al- tabib ; by al- Ruhawi, Ishaq ibn ʿAli al- Ruhawi
  • Ruḥāwī, Išḥāq Ibn ʿAlī Al-
  • 1985
  • Institute for the history of Arabic- Islamic science ,
  • Livres imprimés
The Arab physician Ibn Butlan' s medical manual for the use of monks and country people ; Samira Yousef Jadon
  • Ibn Buṭlān, Al- Muḫtār B. Al- Ḥasan, Jadon, Samira Yousef
  • 1985
  • University microfilms international ,
  • Livres imprimés
The Complete medical art ; Kamil al- sinaa al- tibbiya / ; by ʿAli ibn al- ʿAbbas al- Majusi
  • Mağūsī, `Alī B. Al- `Abbās Al-
  • 1985
  • Institute for the history of Arabic- Islamic science ,
  • Livres imprimés
The Reliable book on simple drugs ; Kitab al- Iʿtimad fi' l- adwiya al- mufrada / ; by Ibn al- Jazzar, Abu Jaʿfar Ahmad ibn Ibrahim ibn Abi Khalid al- Jazzar
  • Ibn al-Ǧazzār, Aḥmad ibn Ibrāhīm
  • 1985
  • Institute for the history of Arabic- Islamic science ,
  • Livres imprimés
Al- Biruniya ; [publ. par l' Association al Biruniya]
  • 1985
  • Association al Biruniya ,
  • Livres imprimés
  • Page 1 sur 1