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230 résultats
الرواية العربية ; ببليوجرافيا و مدخل نقدي : 1865 - 1995 / ; حمدي السكوت
  • السكوت ، حمدي, Monroe, Roger
  • 1998
  • الجامعة الأمريكية ,
  • Livres imprimés
Islamic medicine ; its prospects / ; supervised by Abdul Rahman A. Al- Awadi,... ; ed. by Ahmad Rajai El- Gindy,... [and] Mokhtar M. Bishr,... ; [publ. by the] Islamic organization for medicalciences
  • Gindy, Ahmed Ragai El-, Bishr, Mokhtar M., Awadi, Abdel Rahman Al-
  • 1998
  • Islamic organization for medical sciences ,
  • Livres imprimés
The Contemporary Kuwaiti short story in peace time and war 1929- 1995 ; Barbara Michalak- Pikulska ; [English version Guy R. Torr]
  • Michalak- Pikulska, Barbara, Torr, Guy Russel
  • 1998
  • The Enigma press ,
  • Livres imprimés
  • Page 1 sur 26