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293 résultats
Palestinian Arabs in Israel ; two cases studies / ; Hasan Amun, Uri Davis, Nasr Dakhlallah San'allah, Adnan Abed Elzarik... [et al]
  • Amun, Hasan, Davis, Uri, San'allah, Nasr Dakhlallah
  • 1977
  • Ithaca Press ,
  • Livres imprimés
Rusum dar al- khilafah ; The Rules and regulations of the Abbasid court / ; Hilal al- Sabi ; transl. from the Arabic with introd. and notes by Elie A. Salem
  • Ṣābī, Hilāl ibn al-Muḥassin al-, Salem, Elie
  • 1977
  • American university of Beirut ,
  • Livres imprimés
The Ottoman Turks and the Arabs ; 1511- 1574 / ; by George William Frederick Stripling
  • Stripling, George William Frederick
  • 1977
  • Porcupine press ,
  • Livres imprimés
Seminar for Arabian studies ; proceedings of the Tenth [seminar] held at the Middle East Centre, Cambridge on 12th- 14th July, 1976
  • Seminar For Arabian Studies (10 ; 1976 ; Cambridge).
  • 1977
  • Institute of archaeology ,
  • Livres imprimés
  • Page 1 sur 33