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5 résultats
Averroes' middle commentary on Aristotle's Poetics ; transl., with introd. and notes by Charles E. Butterworth
  • Averroès, Butterworth, Charles E., Butterworth, Charles E.
  • 1986
  • Princeton university press ,
  • Livres imprimés
Al- Jurjani' s theory of poetic imagery ; Kamal Abu Deeb
  • Abū Dīb, Kamāl
  • 1979
  • Aris & Phillips ,
  • Livres imprimés
Al Farabi' s theory of communication ; by Fuad Said Haddad
  • Haddad, Fuad Said
  • 1989
  • American university ,
  • Livres imprimés
The Poetics of Alfarabi and Avicenna ; by Salim Kemal
  • Kemal, Salim
  • 1991
  • Brill ,
  • Livres imprimés
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