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7 résultats
The Rise of historical writing among the Arabs ; A. A. Duri ; ed. and transl. by Lawrence I. Conrad ; introd. by Fred M. Donner
  • Duri, Abdulaziz, Conrad, Lawrence I., Donner, Fred McGraw
  • 1983
  • Princeton university press :
  • Livres imprimés
Social life under the Abbasids ; 170- 289 AH, 786- 902 AD / ; Muhammad Manazir Ahsan
  • Ahsan, Muhammad Manazir
  • 1983
  • Longman :
  • Livres imprimés
Land in Dār Fūr ; charters and related documents from the Dār Fūr sultanate / ; transl. with an introd. by R. S. O'Fahey and M. I. Abū Salīm, with M. J. and J. Tubiana ; [publ. by] Unioncadémique internationale
  • O'fathey, Rex Sean, Abu Salim, Muhammad Ibrahim, O'fathey, Rex Sean, Abu Salim, Muhammad Ibrahim, Tubiana, Marie- José, Tubiana, Joseph
  • 1983
  • Cambridge university press ,
  • Livres imprimés
The Modern history of Kuwait ; 1750- 1965 / ; Ahmad Mustafa Abu- Hakima,...
  • Abu Hakima, Ahmad Mustafa
  • 1983
  • Luzac ,
  • Livres imprimés
The Jews and the Mediterranean economy ; 10th- 15th centuries / ; Eliyahu Ashtor
  • Ashtor, Eliyahu
  • 1983
  • Variorum reprints ,
  • Livres imprimés
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