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35 résultats
River in the desert ; modern travels in ancient Egypt / ; Paul William Roberts
  • Roberts, Paul William
  • 1993
  • Random house ,
  • Livres imprimés
Two worlds of Islam ; interaction between Southeast Asia and the Middle East / ; Fred R. von der Mehden
  • Von Der Mehden, Fred R.
  • 1993
  • University press of Florida ,
  • Livres imprimés
Saudi- Iranian relations ; 1932- 1982 / ; Saeed M. Badeeb ; [publ. by the] Centre for Arab and Iranian studies
  • Badeeb, Saeed M.
  • 1993
  • Centre for Arab and Iranian studies :
  • Livres imprimés
China considers the Middle East ; Lillian Craig Harris
  • Craig Harris, Lillian
  • 1993
  • Tauris ,
  • Livres imprimés
The Persian Gulf after the Cold war ; ed. by M. E. Ahrari and James H. Noyes
  • Ahrari, Mohammed E., Noyes, James H.
  • 1993
  • Praeger ,
  • Livres imprimés
Russian ships in the Gulf ; 1899- 1903 / ; Efim Rezvan ; [foreword by] Vitaly Naumkin
  • Rezvan, Efim, Naumkin, Vitaly
  • 1993
  • Ithaca Press ,
  • Livres imprimés
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