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16 résultats
Holy women of the Syrian Orient ; introd. and transl. by Sebastian P. Brock and Susan Ashbrook Harvey
  • Brock, Sebastian, Harvey, Susan Ashbrook
  • 1987
  • University of California press ,
  • Livres imprimés
The Making of the modern Near East ; 1792- 1923 / ; M. E. Yapp
  • Yapp, Malcolm E.
  • 1987
  • Longman ,
  • Livres imprimés
The Origins of alliances ; Stephen M. Walt
  • Walt, Stephen M.
  • 1987
  • Cornell university press ,
  • Livres imprimés
The Struggle over Lebanon ; by Tabitha Petran
  • Petran, Tabitha
  • 1987
  • Monthly review press ,
  • Livres imprimés
The Lobby ; Jewish political power and American foreign policy / ; Edward Tivnan
  • Tivnan, Edward
  • 1987
  • Simon and Schuster ,
  • Livres imprimés
The Ottoman Empire and the world economy ; ed. by Huri Islamoglu- Inan
  • Inan- Islamoglu, Huri
  • 1987
  • Cambridge University Press
  • Livres imprimés
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