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10 résultats
The School of Baghdad and its achievements ; Mattā Ibn Yūnus, Yaḥyā Ibn ʿAdī,Ibn Zurʿa, Ibn Suwār, Ibn as- Samḥ : texts and studies / ; ed. by Fuat Sezgin ; in collab. with Mazen Amawi,arl Ehrig- Eggert, Eckhard Neubauer ; [publ. by the] Institute for the history of Arabic- Islamic science
  • Mattā B. Yūnus, Abū Bišr, Yaḥyá ibn ʿAdī, Abū Zakariyā al-Manṭiqī, Ibn Zurʿa, `Īsā B. Isḥāq, Sezgin, Fuat, Amawi, Mazen, Ehrig- Eggert, Carl, Neubauer, Eckhard
  • 2000
  • Institute for the history of Arabic- Islamic science ,
  • Livres imprimés
  • Page 1 sur 2