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138 résultats
A Muslim manual of war ; by Umar Ibn Ibrahim al- Awsi al- Ansari ; ed. and transl. by George T. Scanlom
  • Awsī, ʿUmar B. Ibrahīm Al-, Scanlon, George T.
  • 1961
  • The American University at Cairo press ,
  • Livres imprimés
The Fāṭimid army during the early crusades ; by William James Hamblin
  • Hamblin, William James
  • 1986
  • University microfilms international ,
  • Livres imprimés
The Algerian guerilla campaign ; strategy and tactics / ; Abder- Rahmane Derradji
  • Derradji, Abder Rahmane
  • 1997
  • Edwin Mellen press ,
  • Livres imprimés
The Pirates of Trucial Oman ; H. Moyse- Bartlett
  • Moyse- Bartlett, H.
  • 1966
  • Macdonald ,
  • Livres imprimés
Slave soldiers and Islam ; the genesis of a military system / ; Daniel Pipes
  • Pipes, Daniel
  • 1981
  • Yale university press ,
  • Livres imprimés
Chaos in Iraq ; Aylmer Haldane' s "The Insurrection in Mesopotamia" / ; with an introd. by Paul Rich
  • Haldane, Aylmer, Rich, Paul
  • 1992
  • Allborough publishing ,
  • Livres imprimés
  • Page 1 sur 16