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8 résultats
Dispossessed ; the ordeal of the palestinians / ; David Gilmour
  • Gilmour, David
  • 1983
  • Sphere books ,
  • Livres imprimés
The invasion of Lebanon ; edited by Ibrahim Abu- Lughod and Eqbal Ahmad
  • Abu Lughod, Ibrahim, Ahmad, Eqbal
  • 1983
  • Institute of Race Relations ,
  • Livres imprimés
Sociopsychological analysis of the palestinian response to homelessness ; by Abdullatif Ata Akel
  • Akel, Abdullatif Ata
  • 1983
  • University microfilms international ,
  • Livres imprimés
Political dynamics in the Middle East ; ed. by Paul Y. Hammond,... and Sidney S. Alexander,...
  • Hammond, Paul Y., Alexander, Sidney S.
  • 1983
  • University microfilms international ,
  • Livres imprimés
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