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9 résultats
Egyptian one- act plays ; selected and transl. from the Arabic by Denys Johnson- Davies
  • Johnson-Davies, Denys, Johnson-Davies, Denys
  • 1981
  • Heinemann
  • Livres imprimés
Themes in medieval Arabic literature ; Gustave E. von Grunebaum ; ed. with a foreword by Dunning S. Wilson ; pref. by Speros Vryonis...
  • Von Grunebaum, Gustav Edmund, Wilson, Dunning S., Vryonis, Speros
  • 1981
  • Variorum reprints ,
  • Livres imprimés
Kalila wa Dimna ; fables from a fourteenth- century Arabic manuscript / ; Esin Atil
  • Ibn al-Muqaffaʿ, ʿAbd Allâh, Atil, Esin
  • 1981
  • Smithsonian institution press ,
  • Livres imprimés
Plays, prefaces and postscripts of Tawfiq Al- Hakim
  • Ḥakīm, Tawfiq al-, Hutchins, William M.
  • 1981
  • Three continents press ,
  • Livres imprimés
Scheherazade in England ; a study of nineteenth century english criticism of the Arabian Nights / ; by Muhsin Jassim Ali
  • Mūsawī, Muḥsin Ǧasim al-
  • 1981
  • Three continents press ,
  • Livres imprimés
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