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Our thematic selections : Culinary traditions

The cuisine of the Arab world ranges from the numerous types of couscous eaten in the Maghreb to the enormous variety of meze (hors d’oeuvre) from the Mashriq. It includes spices and honey cakes, which are firmly rooted in the land and local ways of life.
The cuisine is sometimes subject to climatic constraints, and unique dishes have been developed and passed on within families; recipes that have been handed down over the generations are sometimes reinterpreted.
Arab cuisine, like any gastronomy, conveys the aesthetics of daily life, and a convivial and familial sharing of all the flavours of fine dining.
Although it primarily reflects the coming together of the traditions of the various peoples who have been part of the history of the Arab world, this cuisine is also open to developing recipes that appeal to a modern dietary approach that places an emphasis on flavours and health.

This selection is just a taste of the AWI's rich heritage.

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Bédouines vendant des yaourts
  • ZEID Fahrelnissa (Istanbul, 1901 ; Amman, 1991) : peintre
  • ZEID Fahrelnissa
  • 1949
  • Artworks and objects
Plat à compartiments
  • Iran
  • 13e siècle
  • Artworks and objects
Pot couvert (jobbana)
  • Safi, Maroc
  • 1ère moitié 19e siècle
  • Artworks and objects
Aiguière au nom du sultan mamelouk Hassan
  • Egypte
  • entre 1356 et 1357
  • Artworks and objects
Dans une boulangerie dans le souk dans la médina de Kairouan.
  • CATELOY Fabrice
  • TUNISIE , Kairouan
  • 2011
  • Photography
Le repas des hommes en plein air, à l' occasion d' un mariage à Ibri.
  • THEVENART Arthur
  • OMAN , Ibri
  • 1996
  • Photography
<Vendeur de pâtisseries au miel de la région du Djebel Saber, au souk hebdomadaire du dimanche de Wadi Dhabab, aux environs de Taiz.>
  • DANOVA Nora
  • YEMEN , Wadi Dhabab
  • 1998
  • Photography
Les étals de différentes variétés de pain, à l' extérieur d' une boutique du souk de Kerbala.
  • BLANCHARD Louis-Marie
  • IRAK , Kerbala
  • 1999
  • Photography
Paysage de plantations en terrasses de caféiers dans le Djebel Bura.
  • AL SALAMI Khadija
  • YEMEN , Djebel Bura
  • 1998
  • Photography
  • Page 1 of 6